  • grain storage

    Grain Storage

  • grain handling equipment

    Material Handling

  • grain drying equipment

    Grain Drying

North: 330-823-8811 • South: 740-967-8700


Commodity Blenders, West Salem Ohio

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Commodity Blenders, West Salem Ohio

Witmer's Feed and Grain, Columbiana Ohio

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Witmer's Feed and Grain, Columbiana, Ohio

Ohio Pet Foods, Lisbon Ohio

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Ohio Pet Foods, Lisbon, Ohio

Lutz Farms, Warren Ohio

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Lutz Farms, Warren, Ohio

Queens Farm, Mt. Gilead, Ohio

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Queens Farm, Mt. Gilead, Ohio

Hutchinson Augers For Sale

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Hutchinson Augers for sale at our office in Beloit Ohio

Gerber Feed Services, Dalton, Ohio

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Gerber Feed Services, Dalton, Ohio

Fabin Brothers, Indiana, PA

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Fabin Brothers Farm, Indiana, Pennsylvania

90' foot grain bin
20 ring, 430,000 bushel bin
With a 2412 tower dryer, 2400 bushel

Agland, New Philadelphia, Ohio

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Agland, New Philadelphia, Ohio

Witmer's Feed and Grain, Garfield

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Witmer's Feed and Grain, Garfield, Ohio

grain bin service area

We offer grain storage and handling, service, and parts in Indiana, Ohio, New York and Pennsylvania. 

Sukup Hutchinson Mayrath Sweet Manufacturing

We sell, install and service Sukup, Hutchinson, Mayrath, and Sweet Manufacturing products

About K&S Millwrights

K and S MillwrightsBased in Northeast Ohio, K&S Millwrights sells and services grain storage, grain drying, augers and material handling equipment throughout Ohio, Indiana, New York, and Central and Western Pennsylvania.

We work with all the top brands in the industry, including Sukup, Hutchinson, Sweet Manufacturing, Honeyville, Baldor Motors, Screw Conveyor Corp, and RMS Rollergrider.

We also offer experienced millwright services, mobile crane services, and design consulting. Our customers include farms, pet food processing plants, wineries, soybean meal plants, feed mills, breweries, and more.

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